Thursday, May 3, 2012

Paperwork.. an evil necessity!

My accounting templates and documentation has all be set up. Given that I have spent a lot of my working life in law firms as a personal assistant and also as a business analyst, it is no surprise that I actually enjoying putting together all the paperwork. I enjoy reporting, making templates, and all things documentation (I also have a strange obsession with spreadsheets). On that note, I thought given I am still friends with one of my very first bosses in law, who better than to use him to peruse my paperwork and make sure I am doing this "business thing" right! I am sure there is a lot I haven't thought of so hopefully he will guide me along the right path.

Has anyone else jumped into business and then worked on the paperwork? I have sort of done it back to front but here's hoping it pays off!

Amanda x

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